Non visible - vérifier "changement de propriétaire et nouveau nom" Poissonnerie Pors Moguer
Impossible de séjourner à Plouha sans goûter aux produits de la mer : poissons et fruits de mer vous raviront le palais.
Meet at the Pors Moguer fishmonger located 10 minutes from the campsite in Lanvollon and discover all the products are caught by the trawler "Pors Moguer" and processed by hand in the premises of Lanvollon: Haddock, Pollack, Cod, Whiting, Hake, Monkfish, Ray, St Pierre, Julienne, Limande, Sole, Plaice, Pout, Conger, Red mullet, Brill, Turbot, etc.
Enjoy extra fresh fish and seafood, filleted or whole at moderate prices.
Consult more information on the fishmonger Pors Moguer